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Malpighia emarginata
Español- Es un arbusto que pueda llegar a medir 15 pies de altura, pero se recomienda podarlo para poder aprovechar sus frutos. Sus frutos son rojos y amarillos, redondos y pueden medir 1" pulgada de diametro. Es jugosa, suave y su sabor es dulce/acido por su alto contenido de vitamina C.

English- This is a fruit tree that can measure up to 15 feet high, but we recommend to prune and keep it small for an easier harvest. The fruits are round, red on the outside and yellow on the inside. They can measure 1" inch in diameter, they're very juicy and have soft texture. The flavor is sweet and acid because it contains high amount of vitamin C

Acerola / Acerola Cherry

  • Clima/Climate: Sol Directo/ Full Sun
    Germinación/ Sprouting: 25-35 días/days
    Profundidad/Planting Depth: 1"
    Distancia/ Spacing: 6'
    Cosecha/harvest: 3-4 Años/Years


    Packet (5 seeds aprox) $2.00

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